This article details how to cancel or cancel your CleanMyMac X subscription.
CleanMyMac XYou can try CleanMyMac X for free. It is easier to understand how it feels and performs if you actually try it yourself. Installation takes only a minute, so if you are at all curious, why not give it a try?
Also, CleanMyMac X is just now Limited time discount campaign is underway.
Check out the latest promotions for CleanMyMac X at the link below!
How to cancel your CleanMyMac X annual subscription (subscription)
If you wish to cancel your subscription to CleanMyMac XCleanMyMac X Subscription Managerand simply click Cancel Subscription.
CleanMyMac Subscription Cancellation Procedure
- Subscription ManagerMove to the
- Enter your name or the email address or license number used to pay the fee and click the "Search" button.
- Once an email address is found, click the "Send" button.
- Open your Inbox and find the email from MacPaw.
- Click again on the "Manage Subscriptions" menu item in the email you received. From here you can unsubscribe or cancel your subscription to the CleanMyMac application.
This article details how to cancel or cancel your CleanMyMac X subscription.
CleanMyMac XYou can try CleanMyMac X for free. It is easier to understand how it feels and performs if you actually try it yourself. Installation takes only a minute, so if you are at all curious, why not give it a try?
Also, CleanMyMac X is just now Limited time discount campaign is underway.
Check out the latest promotions for CleanMyMac X at the link below!